Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is the current education system spoiling us or are we inheriting the right values?

Is the current education system spoiling us or are we inheriting the right values?

You ask any student of a college how his life is , and the only response you will get out of him is that "There is no life left,the day is spent in the college and whatever is left in classes". Well this is not new to any one here . Nobody has time to meet everyone . And this is the worst part of it ! When the college begins no one has time and when there are holidays for a few days at that time we are all reminded that there was someone in my life when i was in school, and that is what the current education system is doing to us !Students have to just tear their hairs apart because they know that this is the only was from which they would get a recognition or they would have to do something extraordinary out of the billions living in the country which they are not likely to accomplish !
To start off i must just say that the students of today's generation are burdened by 2 main things
1) The pressure from the family,society
2)Self respect and dignity if they fail to live to the above

As Aamir khan has rightly said in his movie that the world today has just become a place where parents want their students to score more than 95 percent . Anything below that is just equivalent to failure. Well the only thing i can say to them is that not everyone is born the same ! Otherwise there would have been so many scholars like Einsteins and Teslas . All they want is their students to study and get excellent marks . The pressure on the kids is too much to take on their young shoulders ! Yes, they will have to take the responsibilites one day or the other but every thing has its own time and the parents should realise that .The student first has to think what his friends and teachers would think of him if he doesnt score good marks . Will his friends talk to him? Or mock him? or would the teacher stop paying attention to him because he has got less marks ? would he be branded as a complete loser?.There are a few incidents like that which i want to know ..This is not related completely to the topic but somewhat relevant
There was this guy who was not good in his studies but had a lot of many girls as his friends.There would be tests every sunday and after every week the test papers would be distributed . The girls used to talk to him throughout the week but when the papers would be distributed,the girls would always talk to the person who got the most marks ! They were in awe of him and often respected him more than him even if this guy who got less marks would be there for them in their time of troubles .
I know that this is simply a different story from the topic but the one thing that you could learn from this story is that success in studies puts you into instant "STARDOM".Like they say reality shows put you into instant stardom,this is equivalent!!
The person who stands first in the class is always respected by each and every member of the class, everyone wants to make friends with him.All the teachers know him well , he gets instant recognition. If earlier he was a nobody to everyone,he's everything for them now .
But what about the person who failed?Nobody cares for them..Its just like the country,where rich and famous people are loved by everyone and the poor are just left as they are . The person who fails is not given any help from his family and not from his teachers.He is just branded . How do you think that student would come out of such a state of trauma ?
Well if he has actually not studied or was involved in something else than that is a different case but the pattern of our studies asks the students to take such drastic steps .!

Why do people who study day and night and prepare for the IIT's and the IIM's commit suicide when they actually get good marks and are selected ?
The answer is simple , they are unable to cope up with this extremely mind taxing schedule that doesnt even allow them to sleep,to eat . The mind goes berserk .!On top of that they know the same things that they have to do well,they have to get good marks ,otherwise they are no where

Why have nt we seen a lot of creative people coming up as compared to people who earn lots and lots of money after studying so much ! Its the lure of money that the students of today's life wants.!But the one thing that they do not know is that this time gone now is never going to come back, and whatever they would have say after 10-20 years of studying is just materialistic things ! MONEY!! Money can buy you everything but not your childhood or teens !
But in a country like ours where if there is an opportunity there would be 100's clinging on to it education is of prime importance ,but the youth of the country is being pressurised into doing things that they are not supposed to do !

Well on the other hand other countries in the world do not have such literacy rates as that of India.They dont have such a taxing schedule on the students .Rather they focus on the creative aspects of a students mind and train them according to that . Why do u thing Hollywood has so many creative scrips that come out every 2 months whereas in Bollywood one good script comes out every 1 year?
Its because of their thinking which is developed from a very early and age whereas we give more importance to the Pen rather than the brain !!
Why does a small country like australia play the double the number of sports as compared to India and excel in it ?
In India there is talent no doubt but every one knows there is no scope except if you study,there are no options here
Either you study or you become a nobody!!

Well after writing all this all i have to say that i m also a student and i am also doing this from the past so many years .But as the Indians have learnt to be ruled over by so many powers.The new generation of the students are doing the same by getting governed by the power of STUDIES
The burden of which cannot be handled now . if we study and earn well we are on the good side and if we dont God knows what consequences await us !